There was a debate yesterday at Biola University here in So Cal. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend. However, there IS an objective article that covered the event which can be found on my alumni newspaper at The Daily Titan.
The debaters (William Lane Craig and Christopher Hitchens) duked out their whits of knowledge on the Biola University campus. Dr. Craig being the scholared theist and Hitchens as the devoted atheist.
In my school's article, Hitchens brought out a point that Bill Maher tried to point out in his recent film "Religulous,"basically about the social impact on religion. I posted a response to the matter previously in The Violent Ones. And as much as I stand by my answer by diverting it to an issue of morality, Dr. Craigs answer holds to be more true.
"The social impact of religion is irrelevent to the truth of the proposition," was the response given by Craig, and I couldn't agree more.
What To Look For
As stated previously, unfortunately, I was not at the event. However, you can count on me to keep you posted on new events regarding what this blog is all about. Keep an eye out for my take on the movie, "Religulous". As much as I wish I could use Dr. Craigs answer for this film, there are more issues of the film itself that I'd like to address for Mr. Bill Maher.
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